Yowzah. whats up ppl?
I'm the worst blogger.
20 hari gak ngeblog. subhanallah. kehilangan jati diri.
well, to be honest, there's so many things happened.
I'll tell ya the important one.
flashbacks started
vadi's surprise birthday. so, dhana nginep dirumah gue hari jumat tanggl 7 agustus. Esok pagi buta, nasha ping gue lewat bbm. she said "tal udah bangun belom?" gue ngeliat. trus gue tidur lagi. beberapa menit kemudian gue baru sadar. what did i missed? VADI'S SURPRISE! gue bangun. dan mulai ganti baju *gak mandi* :p
sesampainya, gue, dhana, nasha, faris, iddo, annah langsung ke kamarnya dan menyanyikan a bit false happy birthday to you song. 3 times. dan vadi gak bangun bangun. great. bapuk bener dah waktu itu. OH YA! YOU MUST KNOW, THAT VADI IS VIDI ALDIANO'S LIL BRO! -gak penting. and i went to VIDI's bed room. and i guling gulingan di tempat tidur VIDI ALDIANO. dan gue ngeliat tanda tangan VIDI ALDIANO. dan gue injek injek lantai VIDI ALDIANO. dan gue main tongkat orang cacat VIDI ALDIANO. kenapa bagian VIDI ALDIANO harus di capslock?
pertamanya bilang, "hey" trus tidur lagi
*pake celana dulu dong, malyuw aw masih pake boxer
akhirnya dia bangun. dan finally, eat-yummy-cake's time!. demi apapun yang ada didunia ini, enak bgt. dan lucunya, tertulis "happy birthday vadi 14 th, salam dari om dan tante nina" (orang tua nasha, vadi's gf)
*males rotate, miringkan kepala 90 derajat aja ya
then, i went to sency with dhana. and i met mellia, nadya, raya, and diba. we were hanging out for a while and went to sushi tei for a lunch.
ganti topik. lets go to 17 agustus!
yeps, alpus terkadang kurang kreatif. biasa aja. cuma ada lomba tarik tambang, bakiak, balap karung estafet, and played football with sarung. boo-ring. oh ya ada lomba menghias kelas juga. dan BAGUSNYA kelas gue gak dihias. sama sekali. tadinya mau diancur ancurin aja trus ditulis "mengingatkan akan masa penjajahan". tapi udah terlambat. semua........sudah terlambat *sok buang muka*
dan berkat kehebatan cherry, si anak not-so-normal-and-lil-freak-but-berkekuatan-kuda, juara 1 lomba tarik tambangpun sudah ditangan. gue malah sama sekali gak mengeluarkan tenaga. semua berkat cherry. keep being freaky okay cherr? that's you banget deh pokoknya. dapet lah kita Rp. 200.000. tapi di bagi 10, jadi gue dapet cuma Rp. 20.000. lumayan lah, alhamdulillah :)
*cuma sok sok narik, cherry berkuasa disini
DAN hari ini, terakhir sekolah. woohooo, no more yelling from peeps, no more jayusing from peeps. i love holiday. OH OH! wish me luck for saturaday, insya allah i'll make a surprise for dary, a friend of mine.
oh ya guys, i'm on a diet right now. i'm getting fat (as always) and now i promise that i wont eat any rice until i become slim mihihi WISH ME LUCK JUGA BUAT YG INI!!!!
ok that's that. enough for today, see ya later my readers :)
20 August 2009
i feel a bit guilty when i was fat
Posted by Talitha Hardjuno at 6:00 AM 0 comments
01 August 2009
Hey People!
Hey people, how's my new layout? pretty cute, huh? well i'm just bored with my old layout (the cassette one, remember?) ok lets talkie about something
OYEA! I WANNA TELL YOU SOMETHING! I REALLY HATE RUDAI (my driver)!!!!! ok, i know that i always hate rudai, but this is the top of the top!!!! i can't stand of him! ok i'll tell ya everythin.
today, i'll go to sky avenue. do you know that? at tennis indoor senayan. uooooh i already 'dandan' and prepare everything that i need (ex : bb, camera, money) but rudai had just broken all my hopes. he said that he has to go to some 'kondangan' stuffs that i dont really care. just take me to that 'skyave' thing and you're done! that's it! but his face is really really anoying it makes some secret hidden words like 'hey! i wanna go to kondangan! and i dont wanna drive you to that 'i dont know what it is' place! just let go of me and we're done!" (sounds like he broken me up HAHAHAHA JIJIK GAK LAH! hellooooo he's my driver that has 2 children and 1 wife) so, i can't go to skyave and terdampar in my own house, watchin tv and do some bored stuffs.
wanna see my face right now? take a look.
p.s : i like to read gossip girl now, if you're seeing this note, please buy me some of that :p
Posted by Talitha Hardjuno at 2:59 AM 0 comments