05 September 2009

I <3 AADC!!!!!!

hey ppl, well today i'm not going anywhere -_-
bcoz all my cars is disappearing (i don't know where it is)
so, i decided to watched AADC (ada apa dengan cinta) in youtube i don't have the dvd HEHE

* I really love this movie, a never boring movie :)

the movie is so darn f-good!!!!! i had watch it like 5 times, and i always cried -_-
uuuuh gue nangis waktu rangga sama cinta mau pisah gitu :'( (even they were kissing h0h0 -still crying)
i have an experiment, guys

this is nicholas saputra (as rangga) in AADC the movie

*the movie released when i was in 3th grade :p

And this is nicholas saputra in 2009!!!!! (it means NOW!)

*orang jantungan langsung sakaratul maut ngeliatnya...........aoh :3

Nicholas Saputra is really a ganteng man.
I just realized that, tho. i know I'm so left behind -_-

so, today i was spending my time watched AADC in youtube.
it is worth it, isn't it?

04 September 2009

Happy fasting and my other blog :D

HEIHO! <-- baru belajar sejarah tentang HEIHO dan PETA mihihi
gilaaaa gue kok jadi males ngepost gitu ya? 2 minggu sekali ngepost -_-
gue lagi keasikan ngetweet nih! yg belom follow, feel free to follow at : talizzle
benar sekali kata @radityadika (tuh kan kebawa twitter), bagi para penulis blog, setelah ngetweet tuh kita jadi merasa kalo udah ngepost blog.

okay readers, i know that it is absolutely late
but, it's better late than never
"HAPPY FASTING EVERYONE!" huahuahuahua basi bgt ya udah hari ke14 gitu loc kadaluarsa boy
I'm so sorry if i made any mistakes to y'all, even we never meet yet :p

eh gue mau kultum nih (kebawa alpus, tiap jam 8 - 9 shalat dhuha trus kultum)
yg akan gue bahas hari ini adalah.....
OUR GOALS IN THIS FASTING MONTH!!!! "woohoooo-what? boring dude, really"

"assalammualaikum wr. wb, wabainastaim muala rasulinnasi....." -SKIP-
okay, our goals in this fasting month (especially, MY GOALS) are :

a) COO-RUSH or should i say "kurus"?

*make a wish*

b) shalat 5 waktu, dan dikabulin semua doanya :D

*doanya balik lagi ke "SEMOGA KURUS"

c) mendapatkan situasi paling nikmat : tidur setelah sahur

*liat kan nikmat banget.................................saat yang paling didambakan

d) DAPET COWOK (???????)
e) gak belajar tp nilai nya bagus bagus (??????)
f) rambutnya cepet panjang (???????)

gila ah -_-

oh iya, kan di alpus ada tugas TIK untuk membuat sebuah blog.
nah akhirnya gue buat blog yg baru, tp blog ini tetep dipake
gue gak mau ngasih tau blog gue yang ini, nanti diliat liat jadi gak bebas (padahal isinya gak penting semua)
blog gue yg satu lagi itu special for school stuffs
tp boleh juga buat dikunjungi HEHE
nih tinggal di klik buat yang males talitha's new blog

that's all i think, once more, happy fasting ya semua
hope that all your dreams come true, so do mine :p

love you always,